Fine Defender is an on-line appeal service providing legal defences to people who believe that they were fined unfairly.
Parking speeding red light parking MYKI Citylink or other.
Talk to Fine Defender - We may be able to help you!
Fine Defender is a team of experts in law and technology
We bring a wealth of knowledge to challenge unfair fines
How it Works
Answer a few questions about the situation in which you were fined.
Based on your answers we identify if you have a case
Using advanced computer algorithms we create your defence immediately
Our experts review your appeal and we send it to the relevant authority
Access your secure portal and track the appeal progress
What we provide what you can expect from our service
Fine Defender is an on-line appeal service providing legal defences to people who believe that they were fined unfairly.
Parking speeding red light parking MYKI Citylink or other.
Talk to Fine Defender - We may be able to help you!
Fine Defender is a team of experts in law and technology
We bring a wealth of knowledge to challenge unfair fines
How it Works
Answer a few questions about the situation in which you were fined.
Based on your answers we identify if you have a case
Using advanced computer algorithms we create your defence immediately
Our experts review your appeal and we send it to the relevant authority
Access your secure portal and track the appeal progress
What we provide what you can expect from our service