The Newcastle Budgerigar Club |

Striving for excellence, friendship and enjoyment, the Newcastle Budgerigar Club is a non-profit organisation originally formed in 1957 in Newcastle, Australia, with members from the Hunter Valley, Australia wide and overseas.
Club Objectives:
- 1. To encourage the interest of fanciers and the general public in the breeding and development of budgerigars.
- 2. To promote the exhibition of budgerigars.
- 3. To encourage familiarity with and breeding of the rare varieties of budgerigars.
- 4. To encourage members to keep budgerigars in conditions conducive to their good health and well-being.
- 5. To stock items for the prevention and cure of therelatively few diseases and ailments affecting budgerigars and to advise on their correct use.
- 6. To study the dietary requirements of budgerigars and to advise on their correct use.
- 7. To keep in touch with all members by the publication of a bi-monthly Bulletin.
- 8. To control and maintain a register of the issue of closed rings.
- 9. To encourage members to discuss matters considered important to the advancement of the Club.
- 10. To liaise with other clubs, organisations and individuals for the betterment of the hobby.
- 11. To maintain with pride, the "Betcherrygah House"(budgerigar aviary and pet budgie donation project) at Ronald McDonald House in the Hunter Valley for terminally ill children.
- 12. To operate the Club in a sound, business-like manner to enable financing of these objectives.
The club hold at least two major exhibitions per year. Our major show is held in March and caters for between 400 - 1000 budgerigars. A young bird only show is held in September and caters for about 300-600 budgerigars. The club also participates with other clubs in team challenge shows throughout the year.
A bi-monthly magazine (approx 20 pages) containing articles, advertising, club happenings etc, is mailed to all members. Many of the articles of interest which appear in this web site have appeared first in the Newcastle Budgerigar Club Bulletin.
Each new member receives a very informative 40 page handbook about the club and general birdkeeping information.
A library of books and videos is kept by the club for loan to members. A Service Section is stocked with birdkeeping goods for sale to members and general public.
The club meets on the 4th Friday of every month (except December) at 7.30pm at the Elizabeth St, Argenton, Newcastle, NSW, Australia. New members and visitors welcome.
Other avicultural links
Location: Argenton, Elizabeth St, Newcastle.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Elizabeth St Newcastle 2300 View Map
✆ Telephone: 02 4953 1316
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ The Newcastle Budgerigar Club
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