Blackheath Community Markets
Blackheath Community Markets

The Blackheath Community Markets offer local home made, home grown produce and recycled goods for sale, first Sunday of the month at Blackheath Public School Hall.
There is also a local Produce Co-op, people can contribute their own produce to sell at the Co-op for a donation of $2.00.
The Market is getting more exciting each month as our Local Produce Food Co-op expands. Come along and buy enough plants for yourself and always plant an extra in your garden for the community so that you, too, can contribute to the Coop Stall in the future.
If you have anything at all that you can share... your own produce, seeds, seedlings, compost, worm wee... drop it to me and well sell it for a mere $2 stall fee!
For more information phone 02 4787 7533 and get produce to me before Sunday or to the markets before 9am on Sunday.
This market will be jam packed with growing and permaculture information.
- Taste FRESH FRESH hazelnuts and buy or order locally propagated hazelnut trees
- Watch origami making demonstrations and buy recycled origami paper... make your own origami card for Mothers Day!
- Learn everything you need to know about poultry from Margaret of "Glenshee feathered friends"from the Kanimbla Valley who will also be selling naturally bred geese, ducks (Indian Runners and Muscovies - such good pets in the garden and so patient with children), pigeons & chooks (bantams and silkies up to the lovely placid big Plymouth Rocks)
- Buy organically grown vegetable seedlings, including those grown from seeds collected by the Mid Mountains Seedsavers Network!
- Great food and Live Music
- Lots of recycled childrens books, toys and clothes
- Great people and lots of fun
The Blackheath Community Markets offer local home made, home grown produce and recycled goods for sale, first Sunday of the month at Blackheath Public School Hall.
There is also a local Produce Co-op, people can contribute their own produce to sell at the Co-op for a donation of $2.00.
The Market is getting more exciting each month as our Local Produce Food Co-op expands. Come along and buy enough plants for yourself and always plant an extra in your garden for the community so that you, too, can contribute to the Coop Stall in the future.
If you have anything at all that you can share... your own produce, seeds, seedlings, compost, worm wee... drop it to me and well sell it for a mere $2 stall fee!
For more information phone 02 4787 7533 and get produce to me before Sunday or to the markets before 9am on Sunday.
This market will be jam packed with growing and permaculture information.
- Taste FRESH FRESH hazelnuts and buy or order locally propagated hazelnut trees
- Watch origami making demonstrations and buy recycled origami paper... make your own origami card for Mothers Day!
- Learn everything you need to know about poultry from Margaret of "Glenshee feathered friends"from the Kanimbla Valley who will also be selling naturally bred geese, ducks (Indian Runners and Muscovies - such good pets in the garden and so patient with children), pigeons & chooks (bantams and silkies up to the lovely placid big Plymouth Rocks)
- Buy organically grown vegetable seedlings, including those grown from seeds collected by the Mid Mountains Seedsavers Network!
- Great food and Live Music
- Lots of recycled childrens books, toys and clothes
- Great people and lots of fun
❊ When ❊
Date: Sunday 6th April 2025 |
View Upcoming Dates Times: 9am - 1pm
❊ Where ❊
Blackheath Community Markets⊜ Blackheath Public School Blackheath
MapBlackheath Public School, Blackheath, New South Wales, 2785
✆ 02 4787 7533
❊ Web Links ❊
Blackheath Community Markets
Disclaimer: Details can change at any time. Always check with the advertiser before making plans, buying tickets or proceeding
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