City of Sydney |

The City of Sydney is a capital city council which is responsible for the commercial, financial and cultural hub of the greater Sydney area.
The city community includes around 150,000 residents, 350,000 workers and more than 450,000 daily visitors, as well as other government agencies, arts and cultural organisations and community based service providers.
The City continues to pursue its vision of meeting local residents needs whilst advancing Sydneys global position as Australias premier city, through the implementation of a range of services, programs and initiatives directed at residents, businesses and visitors.
City of Sydney
Town Hall House
456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 456 Kent Street Sydney 2000 View Map
℅ Warrane
✆ Telephone: 02 9265 9333
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ City of Sydney
➼ Sydney Sites and Attractions
➼ Interactive Transport Map
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