FilmWeb |

FilmWeb is a brand new website helping Australian filmmakers collaborate and promote their projects and events. Helping students find their feet, their inspiration and build on their achievements. Helping new entrants in the industry make connections, hone their skills and develop their craft.
When talking to film students in Australias leading universities, a common theme of disconnection often comes up - a need for greater mentoring, better lines of communication between student and teacher and mentor. The industry is changing so rapidly with new technology arriving every year, workflows constantly evolving and techniques rapidly in flux that the need today for industry mentoring is more vital than ever before.
Filmweb is the community that will make this happen.
FilmWeb has been built to fill this gaping hole in the Australian online community. A site where the industry has space for networking, to read up on industry news and what events, screenings, courses and festivals are happening around the country.
There are some great features available on the site:
- Blogs where members can write about their projects, share information and skills and discuss films they are passionate about.
- Film Reviews where members can add a new film to be reviewed and the reviews can be commented on by the greater community of both film makers and film appreciators.
- A forum for ongoing group discussion
- Classified ads for finding cast and crew or even buy, sell or hire equipment
- A community calendar where members can add listings for screenings, workshops, festivals or short courses.
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