Grand Hotel - Wollongong |

Pub at day, Club by night.
Open from 10am - 3am, the Grand Hotel boasts itself as one of the best pubs in Wollongong.
With our very own courtyard, newly renovated VIP Room, and regular events being held, you're sure to get everything you need at The Grand Hotel.
Wollongong's Largest Nightclub.
At The Grand Hotel, we offer the biggest events in our very own Club 234.
Trading Hours
MONDAY 10am - 3am
TUESDAY 10am - 3am
WEDNESDAY 10am - 3am
THURSDAY 10am - 3am
FRIDAY 10am - 3am
SATURDAY 10am - 3am
SUNDAY 10am- 12am
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 234 Keira Street Wollongong 2500 View Map
✆ Telephone: (02) 4229 1911
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Grand Hotel - Wollongong
Tags: @thegrandhotelwollongong
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