IMDb: Internet Movie Database |

Welcome to the Internet Movie Database, the biggest, best, most award-winning movie and TV site on the planet.
Offering in depth information about your favourite and least favourite movies and stars and all the gossip between.
Discuss your favorite celebrity, film, or TV show on our boards. Create and manage movie lists. Catalog your DVD collection. Find out whats playing near you (and at what time) with our personalized showtimes.
Submit information on your favorite movies, shows, and celebrities. Rate movies from 1 (awful) to 10 (great)! Vote in the poll to let your voice be heard!
We currently store over 15 million individual film/TV credits, but since the number of films and people listed in the database grows every day, we have a separate page with the most current statistics. Our servers are constantly updated with information with all current and upcoming movie releases.
The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is a HUGE collection of movie information. We try to catalog every pertinent detail about a movie, from who was in it, to who made it, to trivia about it, to filming locations, and even where you can find reviews and fan sites on the web. We then do our best to present this information in a manner that is easy to search and access.
The IMDb started as a hobby project by an international group of movie fans (see history), essentially something by movie fans for movie fans. And despite our incredible growth, we retain that sensibility. The weekly editorial staff meeting is lunch and a movie. All the weekly status reports detail three things: what we did for work, what we did for fun, and what movies we saw. And our staff is still spread around the U.S. and Europe.
We are some of our sites most hardcore users. Our managing director claims to have seen over seven thousand movies. Most of our people could write or win a movie trivia game show. One of our proposed slogans was "we just love movies."
As big and intimidating as we may seem because of our millions of monthly visitors, were just a bunch of hardcore movie fans who still cant get over the fact that were getting paid to keep improving this tool we use so much for our own pleasure.The information in the Internet Movie Database comes from various sources.
Though we do some active gathering of information, the bulk of our information is submitted by people in the industry and visitors like you. In fact, about 70% of our staff is dedicated to processing the massive amounts of information we receive and add to the database every week.
In addition to using as many sources as we can get our hands on, our data goes through a large number of consistency checks to ensure its as accurate and reliable as possible.
Howe'ver, there's absolutely no substitute for an international team of movie buffs with an encyclopedic knowledge of trivia and a large assortment of reference works (and we include in this group many of our loyal contributors). Our main sources of information are on-screen credits. We also rely on press kits, official bios, autobiographies, and interviews.
Given the sheer size (over a million titles and 2.3 million names) and the nature of the information we list, which is often subject to change especially on yet-unreleased films or long-running TV series, occasional mistakes are inevitable and, when spotted/reported, they are promptly verified and fixed. Thats why we welcome corrections and submissions.
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