Just Landed | Expatriates in Sydney |

Just Landed is an informational website and forum created in 2003 to assist the 170 million+ people living, working and studying abroad.
Sign up to meet and chat with other people new or well-versed with all that Sydney has to offer.
The challenges of moving, settling in and making a new life in a new place can be difficult, we aim to help make this easier. Whether youre an exchange student, professional or pensioner - our information, resources and services will help you settle abroad:
The Just Landed country guides explain every aspect that goes along with the move to a specific country, for example on visas & permits, housing and the local job market.
The Just Landed community enables you to find new friends abroad and to exchange experiences with other people. Wherever you go, there are already other Just Landed members who will help you get settled abroad.
The Just Landed housing portal offers thousands of listings for apartments, shared flats and property in various countries. If youre searching for a place to live abroad, this is the place to go!
The Just Landed job market is specialised job portal for international recruiters and people looking to work abroad. Check out the latest listings for international job opportunities.
The Just Landed classifieds are a marketplace for small ads. Whether you want to sell your furniture when moving abroad or look for a language exchange, you can place a free listing here.
Visit the Just Landed website via the link below and sign up today!
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Just Landed | Expatriates in Sydney
➼ http://community.justlanded.com | Expatriates in Sydney Forum
➼ www.justlanded.com
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