K-6 Educational Resources |

Educational Resources for Australian teachers and students, Kindergarten to Year 6.
Parents Guide to the NSW Primary Syllabuses
The Board of Studies has developed the Parents Guide to the NSW Primary Syllabuses to help parents follow their childs early learning and to help them talk with teachers about day-to-day classroom activities and their childs progress.
The guide provides some examples of the kinds of things children can learn in each of the key learning areas in each stage of primary school.
You can read the Parents Guide on this website or download it as a PDF document that can be printed. The Guide is also available in severce community languages.
NSW Primary Curriculum Foundation Statements
NSW Primary Curriculum Foundation Statements are a response to the recommendations of the Eltis evaluation and the public consultation that followed. They are short, clear descriptions of the knowledge and skills that each student should develop at each stage of primary school.
K-6 Linkages
K-6 Linkages is an ongoing project identifying related content and outcomes across the six Key Learning Areas. Twenty-two sample units are available, including Aboriginal perspectives, information literacy and multi stage units.
Parents information on supporting your childs learning. These documents have been written for both teachers and parents, bringing together policies, syllabus information and future directions for K-6 syllabus development.
Primary Matters
Primary Matters is the regular K-6 Board Bulletin report about K-6 documents in development and projects in progress at the Board of Studies.
The Links Section contains many useful website links related to the K-6 Curriculum.
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