Sydney Observatory | History |

The Sydney Observatory was built in 1858, is Australias oldest observatory and one of the most significant sites in the nations scientific history.
Recognised as an item of state significance by the New South Wales Government, the Observatory is heritage listed, the building being over 140 years old, and the site itself having played an important role in Sydneys dating back over 200 years.
The Sydney Observatory is located near Sydneys historic Rocks district and world-famous Sydney Harbour Bridge, easily accessible by bus, train, ferry or car.
The site which Sydney Observatory occupies was once known as Windmill Hill, as it was the site of New South Wales first windmill, built in early 1797. The windmill was used to grind grain into flour and was one of the colonys first steps towards self-sufficiency.
The mill tower was built of stone, the machinery and grindstone imported from England. Very shortly after its construction its canvas sails were stolen, its machinery damaged in a storm, and by 1800 the foundations were giving way. Before it was ten years old, the mill was useless. This brief slice of history is still echoed in the name Millers Point, the harbour landing where grain was unloaded.
In 1803, under orders from Governor Hunter, a fort was built on the site to defend the colony from rebellious convicts and possible French attack. The fort, called Fort Phillip, was never fully completed and never fired a single shot in anger.
In 1825 the eastern wall of the fort was converted to a signal station. From here flags sent messages to ships in the harbour and the signal station on the South Head of the harbour.
In 1840 the fort was partially demolished and eight years later a new signal station, designed by the colonial architect Mortimer Lewis, was built on the east wall. This is now the oldest building on the hill.
Plans for Sydney Observatory began as a simple time-ball tower, to be built near the signal station. The time ball at the towers top would drop every day at exactly 1.00pm to signal the correct time to the city and harbour below. At the same time a cannon on Fort Denison was fired. It was soon agreed to expand the tower into a full observatory.
Designed by Alexander Dawson, the observatory consists of a domed chamber housing the equatorial telescope, a room with long, narrow windows for the transit telescope, a computing room or office, and a residence for the astronomer. A western wing was added In 1877 to provide office and library space and a second domed chamber for telescopes.
In the 1880s Sydney Observatory gained international recognition under Henry Chamberlain Russell who took some of the first astronomical photographs in the world and involved Sydney in one of the greatest international astronomy projects ever undertaken, The astrographic catalogue. The catalogue was the first completed atlas of the sky. The Sydney section alone took 80 years and 53 volumes to complete.
After federation in 1901, meteorological observations became a Commonwealth government responsibility, but astronomy remained with the states.
Sydney Observatory continued working on The astrographic catalogue, keeping time, making observations and providing information to the public. The Observatory supplied Sydney newspapers with the daily rising and setting times of the sun, moon and planets. By the mid 1970s the increasing problems of air pollution and city light made work at the Observatory more and more difficult.
Astronomers worked and lived in the building until 1982 when Sydney Observatory became part of the Powerhouse Museum. Today the Observatory is a museum and public observatory with an important role in astronomy education and public telescope viewing.
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⊜ Watson Rd The Rocks 2000 View Map
✆ Telephone: 02 9921 3485
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