Sydney World Youth Day the best

Sydney World Youth Day the best

For the faithful and non-religious alike, the final mass marks an amazing event and in the mind of at least one experienced pilgrim, the end of the best World Youth Day (WYD).

Each of the 215,000 pilgrims who registered for WYD has a story to tell and most are happy tales.

As these Catholic youth braved Sydneys chilly temperatures, queued to use facilities or shed a tear during The Stations of the Cross, they maintained an air of excitement that spread through the city.

Francesca Avi, 29, came to Sydney from Italy a year ago for a holiday. When she found out WYD was to be held in the harbour city, she extended her stay and got involved in its preparation and organisation.

"This is my third WYD ... Ive been to Paris (1997) and Rome (2000) and now here,"Ms Avi told AAP.

"This is the best so far. Of course it gets better each time and the fact Ive been involved with some of the organising and here a few months before, it has been a great experience for me."

The Catholic woman, who works in an administration role in Sydney, was joined by around 20 family members and friends from Italy for WYD and she admits they were one of the many groups wandering through city streets last week with big smiles on their faces, flying a large Italian flag.

"The feelings and the happiness of all the young people (is) something that can really strengthen your faith,"said Ms Avi, who helped organise the bishops conference and also did some Italian translating.

Also among the crowd at Randwick was 17-year-old Harley Broker from Texas in the US, who has been waiting his "whole life"to attend WYD.

"Ive been to church with my family every Sunday that I can remember,"the student and youngest of 10 children told AAP.

"Im from a very strongly religious family.

"...all my older brothers and sisters have come (to WYDs) and this year its my turn. Ive been waiting my whole life,"he said, adding it was his aim to become a Catholic priest.

Howe'ver, WYD was not solely for the religious, with people of no faith taking the opportunity to get involved in events.

Thanh Tran, 25, from Melbourne, and her group of about 14 friends, came to Sydney to be part of the final mass.

"Im not Catholic or religious at all but we wanted to come because its such a historic event,"said the university student, who added that she was excited about seeing Pope Benedict XVI during the event.

"The crowd here is amazing,"she said.

"Everyone should be a part of this."

SydneyNew South Wales

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