Oxford St nightclub refused 24-hour trading

Oxford St nightclub refused 24-hour trading

An Oxford St nightclub will be forced to close its doors at midnight after the Land & Environment Court last week upheld a City of Sydney decision to not renew a trial 24-hour trading approval.

The DCM Hotel known as UN Sydney located at level 1, 31-33 Oxford St, Darlinghurst, has approval to operate from 8am - midnight 7 days a week and in July 2006 received approval to operate 24-hours on Friday and Saturdays for a 12-month trial subject to conditions.

An application to continue the 24-hour trial was refused by the City last year after ongoing noise complaints, concerns from police and lack of effective management.

The operator also failed to comply with development application conditions by not lodging an acoustic report, not effectively managing patron queues and failing to provide a sufficient number of security staff.

In the judgement, Commissioner Murrell said: "During the trial period, the operation has not consistently demonstrated a commitment to proper management and concern for the patrons... or the local community.

"I have concluded the public interest is not served by an extension of the trial period. In particular, the non-compliance with the requirement of the rear fire emergency exit and stairs to be clear of obstructions in the event of the need for evacuation in an emergency.

"This coupled with the excessive number of patrons in the nightclub from time to time is of great concern. Potentially endangering lives cannot be tolerated,"the judgement reads.

City of Sydney Acting CEO Garry Harding said the court judgement is a good outcome for the local community and sends a message to nightclub operators.

"The court judgement is vindication of the Citys commitment to balancing the needs of residents and the night time economy of our city. It reaffirms that late trading hours are a privilege for those premises that have shown ongoing good management practices and not a right.

"We want to encourage a culture of safe, well-operated late night venues in appropriate locations with minimal impact on the local amenity,"Mr Harding said.

SydneyNew South Wales

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Oxford St nightclub refused 24-hour trading 

Oxford St nightclub refused 24-hour trading
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