Spam | Australian Communications & Media Authority |

Under the Spam Act 2003 it is illegal to send, or cause to be sent, unsolicited commercial electronic messages. The Act covers email, instant messaging, SMS and MMS.
Spam is a generic term used to describe electronic junk mail - unwanted messages sent to a persons email account or mobile phone.
The ACMA* is responsible for enforcing the Spam Act and actively works to fight spam in Australia. The ACMA plays an important role in e-Security in Australia, gathering evidence and assisting in protecting Australians from computer fraud and identity theft. The ACMA also regulates internet content issues, deals with internet content complaints and provides information about mobile premium services.
Spam email
Email spam can now be reported to the ACMA by forwarding the message to the Spam Intelligence Database on
Where can I find more information?
The following links include information about spam in Australia:
Please note the ACMA* no longer supports the SpamMATTERS spam reporting software. This software will no longer be available for download from the ACMA. Uninstalling SpamMATTERS Instructions.
* Australian Communications and Media Authority
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Spam | Australian Communications & Media Authority
➼ Download and install SpamMATTERS Reporting System
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