Teal Ribbon Giving Day 2026 for Ovarian Cancer

Wednesday 25th February 2026
Ovarian Cancer is the deadliest women's cancer with a startling overall five-year survival rate of 49%.
Every day in Australia, we lose three women to the disease and another five are diagnosed.
There is no early detection method and treatment options are severe and limited.
The emotional and mental toll of a disease like this can be as difficult as the physical toll. Women like Carolynne need your support.
Carolynne was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last March, and was referred into Ovarian Cancer Australia's Teal Support Program, a program that supports women like Carolynne and their families.
Your gift today will give more women access to their own Ovarian Cancer nurse, who can provide them with essential advice around their treatments and surgery, support them through chemotherapy and address any possible side-effects from their treatments.
Ovarian Cancer Australia's nurses are highly trained and experienced in oncology and gynaecology. Our Teal Support Program ensures continuity of care and improved quality of life for all women diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Every donation made until 9:00pm AEST (or until we reach our target) on Giving Day helps us fight for more research funding, better policies and procedures, greater access to innovative and affordable treatment options and, ultimately, better outcomes for all people impacted by ovarian cancer.
With your help, no one will have to face ovarian cancer alone.
Donate now, or call us on 1300 660 334 to make a donation.
❊ When ❊
Date: Wednesday 25th February 2026
❊ Web Links ❊
→ Teal Ribbon Giving Day 2026 for Ovarian Cancer→ www.ovariancancer.net.au
❊ Also See.. ❊
➼ National Ovarian Cancer Network
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