WLDG Chat-WineLoversPage.com |

Welcome to WLDG Chat, the WineLoversPage.com Chat Room!
We schedule formal "online tastings"and "meet-the-expert"sessions from time to time, but we always have informal gatherings, scheduled for the convenience of participants in different parts of the world, twice each week.
Please feel free to check in at any time and see if you find anyone around; impromptu chat sessions are always welcome. On every page of the WineLovers Discussion Group youll see a counter that will tell you if anyone is in the Chat Room; clicking that link will take you directly there.
As with our interactive forums, we welcome new participants regardless of your level of expertise, asking only that participants use their own real names, avoid commercial or off-topic subjects, and refrain from personal attacks or "flaming."
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➼ WLDG Chat-WineLoversPage.com
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