Zenith Theatre and Convention Centre |

Willoughby City Councils Performing Arts Unit is keen to enrich the cultural vitality of Willoughby City and beyond with a range of performances, venues and support programs that benefit the whole community.
Our 3 main areas of activity are:
Generating Engaging Performances
This entails producing and presenting world-class shows and artists as well as a huge range of local talent. The award-winning Willoughby Symphony is recognised throughout the country as a role model for meaningful community development through the performing arts.
Managing Venues
As well as managing a range of purpose-built performance venues, this involves converting generic spaces into dynamic performance venues as needed. Our experienced operations
team fields expertise in show sound/lighting, CD production, video-conferencing, front & back of house management, hospitality and more.
Encouraging Community Performing Arts
We actively support a wide range of community groups wishing to present live arts experiences in the Willoughby region including Willoughby Citys Founding Groups:
-:- Chatswood Musical Society
-:- Epicentre Theatre Company
-:- Phoenix Theatre Productions
-:- Willoughby City Band
-:- Willoughby Theatre Company
Given the diversity and quality of performing arts experiences on offer, its no wonder that Willoughby City has established a reputation as the regions cultural hub.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Cnr Railway Street and McIntosh Street Chatswood 2067 View Map
✆ Telephone: 9777 7547
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Zenith Theatre and Convention Centre
➼ www.zeniththeatre.com.au
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