Australian National Committee on Refugee Women |

ANCORW is a lobbying, advocacy and research group which works with and for refugee women and their families in order to bring about change in the refugee system and to enhance their ability to rebuild their lives.
80 percent of the worlds 20 million refugees are women and their dependent children. They are forced to flee from their homes and their countries, in danger of their lives.
They often suffer violence, rape and sexual abuse, torture, hunger, and loss of everything they hold dear. Family members are lost or killed. Refugee camps are often as dangerous as the places from which they have escaped.
Refugee women are strong and resourceful. Despite all that they suffer, they protect their families, maintain their culture and rebuild shattered communities once conflict is over.
When resettled in developed countries, the women take the role of supporting their families to settle into a new and strange environment.
ANCORW was established as a vehicle for supporting these women, both within Australia and internationally.
ANCORW regards refugee issues as human rights issues. Empowerment and the full achievement of all human rights for refugee women and their children is equally as important as protection.
At the national level, ANCORW, lobbies for changes in domestic law, social policy and for improved service provision. At an International level, ANCORW lobbies at the United Nations for changes in International law, United Nations Declarations.
Contact Details:
Centre for Refugee Research, Room 1502, Mathews Building,
School of Social Work, University of NSW, Sydney 2052
Phone: (02) 9385 1961
Facsimile: (02) 9662 8991
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