Cafe Morso |

Cafe Morso provides the complete dining experience with great food, tranquil Sydney Harbour views, and Jones Bay Wharfs charming heritage features.
Located only 5 minutes from the CBD its conveniently located for breakfast, lunch, functions, private dining or evening events.
Morso has everything going for it: water views, historic location, good food and great staff.- Keith Austin, Good Living Liftout
Winner 2010 Best Breakfast Restaurant
Winner 2009 Best Breakfast Restaurant
Winner 2008 Best Cafe Restaurant
Metro Awards for Excellence
Restaurant and Catering Association NSW

❊ Address ❊
⊜ Jones Bay Wharf Pirrama Road Pyrmont 2009 View Map
✆ Telephone: 02 9692 0111
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Cafe Morso
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