

The NSW Governments communitybuilders web site aims to help local communities across the State share ideas on how to enhance and strengthen their community.

One of the greatest advantages of the Internet is that it is available wherever you are. Whether you are living in Dubbo, Strathfield, Eden or Lismore you can log on to this site to read about the experiences of other communities and share ideas.

This site aims to communicate how different communities have addressed various issues such as enhancing public safety, stimulating employment and promoting reconciliation. It shows how my government is forging partnerships with communities around the state.

It is very much your site, developed in response to the desire expressed by communities to access information about what others are doing and what works to make their community safer, healthier, inclusive, and more vibrant and enterprising.

communitybuilders.nsw will continue to evolve to accommodate new ideas and developments in community building, to incorporate new technologies and in response to user feedback and suggestions.

NSW Department of Community Services
Locked Bag 28 Ashfield NSW 1800
Tel: (02) 9716 2964
Fax: (02) 9716 2850

SydneyNew South Wales

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