First Woman to Run Around Australia

First Woman to Run Around Australia

In 2010/11 two amazing woman are currently attempting to become the First Woman to Run Around Australia. Sarah Mycroft and Deborah De Williams are at various stages in their journeys.

We suggest you follow their attempt at the respective web sites (links below).

Sarah Mycroft

First Woman to Run Around Australia | World Record Attempt

Sarah Mycroft, started her run at Sydney Opera House on April 4th 2010 and has since averaged 62km a day, running through NSW, QLD, NT, WA, SA, and now VIC.

The former marathon runner from country NSW and single mother of 2 reaches Melbourne on 26th October, ahead of a 197km stint in Tasmania.

Upon return to the mainland on 3rd Nov, Sarah will run from the heart of Melbourne to Sydney to complete her lap on Nov 27th having run through every state and territory.

Along the way over the past 7 months Ms Mycroft has taken time out from her busy schedule to talk to school students and community groups along the way and helped them understand the importance of daily exercise and how to identify the synthetic ingredients in some of the processed foods on our supermarket shelves, advocating organic food in its place.

Sarah is also raising money for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation as she goes.

A selfless effort for the Australian people and JDRF Charity, that has left the single mother of two in much personal debt, Mycroft has had to rely recently solely on the little corporate sponsorship she could muster to make it this far, but Mycroft insists that getting the important message out there to the community about the harmful, sometimes carcinogenic additives in our foods has been worth putting all her worldly possessions on the line for and has been the underlying driving force behind the ultra-marathon run.

Deborah De Williams

Deborah De Williams World Record Run around Australia
March 2010 - March 2011

40 year old, Deborah is a truly inspirational Australia, she has is a honours graduate from Monash University and operates a small successful taxi company in Launceston, Tasmania.

Running Pink

A non profit organization with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. Running Pink was initial set up in 2006, after Deborah was diagnosed with breast cancer, with the express purpose to raise funds, through Deborahs epic runs, for the National Breast Cancer Foundation so they can continue their research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

In October 2008 Deborah set out from Hobart with her dog Maggie on their first attempt to run around Australia. She ran over 50kms a day with no days off, for 224 days and 10,825 kilometres before, under strict doctor�s supervision she had to end her 1st attempt (the 1st half of Australia) on 6th June 2009 in Darwin. But not before running over 857 kilometres on fractured feet! Falling over Maggie while running into Elliot NT, Deborah fractured her navicula bone in both her feet, which required surgery and 7 months off running as part of her recovery process.

SydneyNew South Wales

❊ Web Links ❊

First Woman to Run Around Australia

First Woman to Run Around Australia
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