Fresh Impro at the Roxbury Hotel

Every Thursday, Sydneys newest performers make up scenes on the spot. Its like a freshly baked happiness cake, but not a cake.
The night is made up of two separate shows, the earlier one showcasing a mixture of our freshest and best players and the second half featuring special formats, international guest players, long-form experiments and assorted whims of our Guest Directors.
Give suggestions for what you want to see on stage, and our performers will make it happen. Snap your fingers and we will throw these neophytes in at the comedic deep end!
The show also features some of Australias most established performers. Were going to throw them in the deep end, just the same.
Every Thursday Night, starting 7.45pm
Cost: $15/$10 concession
Tickets at the door or via the link below.
❊ When ❊
Happens: Thursday
Times: 7.45pm
❊ Where ❊
The Roxbury Hotel View Venue
182 St Johns Road Glebe New South Wales 2037 Map
✆ Venue: 02 9692 0822 | Event: 02 9692 0822
❊ Web Links ❊
→ Fresh Impro at the Roxbury Hotel→
→ Disclaimer: Details can change at any time. Always check with the advertiser before making plans, buying tickets or proceeding .. more
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