The Hills Grammar SchoolThe Hills Grammar School |

The Hills Grammar School offers a non-sectarian education for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 12.
The mission of the School is to provide a supportive, co-educational learning environment where each student is encouraged to strive for excellence in scholarships, personal achievement and citizenship.
The School has a non-selective admissions policy where priority is given to siblings of children already enrolled. Children of ex-students also receive priority. Not all applications may be successful. The School reserves the right to offer places to those students who will benefit most from its programmes.
Applicants are expected to demonstrate a willingness and ability to apply themselves successfully to academic study. Children accepted into Kindergarten are expected to exhibit the developmental maturity necessary for entry.
Core Beliefs
Underpinning the Schools mission are the following core beliefs:
- Students learn at different rates in accordance with recognisable stages of development.
- School life is enhanced by the presence of boys and girls learning together. Co-education is a preparation for life, for work, for family and for relationships.
- In a supportive, caring and safe environment, education promotes personal satisfaction and enjoyment of life, and encourages growth towards independence and moral autonomy.
- School life is enriched and students benefit in numerous ways through the inclusion and acceptance of people with many different backgrounds, cultures, religions and abilities.
- The School, in conjunction with the family and the community, makes a crucial contribution to the development of well-rounded individuals able to realise their full potential.
- Education serves the needs both of the individual and of society and is the primary vehicle for transmitting humanitarian values as well as preserving our natural and cultural heritage and traditions.
- A well-educated society values social justice, tolerance and compassion.