New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC)New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) |

As the States peak representative body in Aboriginal Affairs, the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council aims to protect the interests and further the aspirations of its members and the broader Aboriginal community.
NSW has Australias largest Indigenous population, estimated at more than one hundred thousand. Its Aboriginal communities are diverse, ranging from urban to rural and remote, and from modern to traditional in their beliefs and practices.
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council is committed to ensuring a better future for Aboriginal people by working for the return of culturally significant and economically viable land, pursuing cultural, social and economic independence for its people and being politically pro-active and voicing the position of Aboriginal people on issues that affect them.
Under the Land Rights Act, NSWALC is empowered to do the following:
- administer the NSWALC Account and Mining Royalties Account
- grant funds for payment of the administrative costs and expenses of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
- acquire land on its own behalf or on behalf of, or to be vested in, Local Aboriginal Land Councils
- determine and approve/reject the terms and conditions of agreements proposed by Local Aboriginal Land Councils to allow mining or mineral exploration on Aboriginal land
- make claims on Crown lands, either on its own behalf or at the request of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
- with the agreement of the particular LALC, manage any of the affairs of that Council
- conciliate disputes between Aboriginal Land Councils or between Councils and individuals or between individual members of those Councils
- make grants, lend money or invest money on behalf of Aborigines
- hold, dispose of or otherwise deal with land vested in or acquired by NSWALC
- ensure Local Aboriginal Land Councils comply with the Act in respect of the establishment and keeping of accounts and the preparation and submission of budgets and financial reports
- advise the Minister on matters relating to Aboriginal land rights