Shirley Ann Collections |

Shirley Anns illustrious career has spanned many years as Head Teacher, and then head of studies for fashion at TAFE, NSW.
Her latest achievement was to be awarded first prize at Sydney Royal Easter Show 2007 and the hat received an extra award of Standard of Excellence and was exhibited as such.
Taught by master milliners, where craftsmanship was of the utmost importance. Shirley now designs bespoke millinery, headwear and garments for special occasions. Her custom made millinery can be designed to match the client's own special garment.
Hats and headware are expertly hand made from the finest quality materials and trims. Shirley specializes in incorporating garment fabric into her millinery designs to create a look that is unique for each client.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Unit 15/ 4 Riley St North Sydney 2060 View Map
✆ Telephone: (02) 9922 3452
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Shirley Ann Collections
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