
100% free dating service. is a 100% free dating service which is a great way to date, make relationships and meet new friends.
We at dont feel that you should pay extravagant sums of money in order to meet new people like some other dating or matchmaking sites.
The other difference between and other dating or personals sites is that we dont feel the need to trap you into the site.
We allow you to add your Skype, MSN Messenger, MSN Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, AIM and ICQ details and if you wish you can share these details with other users all for free.
This allows you to get away from the traditional way of having to type messages to each person you would like to meet and actually chat with them, get to know them quicker and start dating. The perfect matchmaker.
Imagine not having to type endless messages to try and get to know someone and start dating, now you can speak to the person you are interested in and find out quickly if they are compatible with you and you can start dating your Someone New.
Take advantage of Someonenews free dating and Online Community using the power of VOIP and Instant Messaging to contact people of similar interests in your local area or anywhere around the world and start dating for free.
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