Superannuation Commonwealth Officers Association |

SCOA is one of the oldest volunteer bodies in Australia. From modest beginnings in NSW in 1922, it has evolved as a not-for-profit national organisation principally financed by member fees and donations.
Volunteers provide assistance for fellow members and their partners on a range of matters. They operate through branches in all States and in the ACT.
Branch representatives meet as a Federal Council twice yearly to determine SCOA policies and priorities. A Canberra-based National Secretariat, supported by volunteers, provides advocacy and representational services and information to members and also supports the work of all SCOA Branches and the Federal Council.
A national newsletter, SuperTime, reports on a range of matters and is mailed to members free of charge, quarterly. Most branches also mail out local newsletters to their members reporting on local issues.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ PO Box 3545 North Strathfield 2137 View Map
✆ Telephone: 02 9743 2667
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Superannuation Commonwealth Officers Association
Update Page