Tea Parlour |

With Marie Antionette in our breast, Oscar Wilde on our tongue, tea parlour treats decadence as a right not a luxury.
With this motto in check, Tea Parlour inspires guests to customise their own tea appreciation ritual in neo-classic surrounds. Take Devonshire tea with scones under a moose head, ham and mustard pickle sandwiches with bubbly from the bottle shop next door or a pot with a classic book from the shelf.
The Tea Parlours delicate assembly of rich curtains, collectable china, fresh roses and crystal chandeliers is a Redfern meeting spot with a solid soundtrack and old-fashioned prices.
Open Thursday-Sunday 1pm-8pm

❊ Address ❊
⊜ 579 Elizabeth St Redfern 2016 View Map
✆ Telephone: 0414 335 224
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Tea Parlour
➼ http://theteaparlour.blogspot.com/
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