Wildlife World |

A key element of the success of Sydney Wildlife World is the visitor experience. On completing the journey through the facility, we hope that visitors are left with an indelible impression of Australian wildlife in a unique, fascinating and entertaining facility.
Sydney Wildlife World will focus heavily on both conservation and education of Australian native fauna. Australia has unique fauna, much of it under threat, and publicising this message is a key part of Sydney Wildlife Worlds mission. Sydney Wildlife World in partnership with the Australian Wildlife Conservancy has established Sydney Wildlife World Conservation Foundation through which funds will be raised to help safeguard Australias threatened wildlife and ecosystems.
The most modern display techniques have been utilised, including multi-species exhibits, natural environments and animal husbandry to the highest standards. Visitors view the exhibits in air-conditioned comfort through floor to ceiling viewing panels. In this manner Sydney Wildlife World is an all-weather attraction. Soundscapes, graphics and interactive models enhance a visitors experience.
Furthermore, as visitors journey throughout Sydney Wildlife World, free content is delivered via Bluetooth. Ringtones of animal sounds, animated screen savers and wallpapers plus special offers are downloadable to visitors mobile handsets. Bluetooth provides visitors with a unique multi sensory experience, both educational and fun.
Sydney Wildlife World is located in the heart of the city, next to Sydney Aquarium, between Cockle Bay and King Street Wharf.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Aquarium Pier Darling Harbour 2000 View Map
℅ Tumbulong
✆ Telephone: +612 9333 9288
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Wildlife World
➼ www.sydneywildlifeworld.com.au
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