Just Group |

Just Group has 7 brands; Just Jeans Jacqui E Jay Jays Portmans Peter Alexander Dotti and Smiggle. We operate over 1000 retail outlets across Australia New Zealand Singapore & the UK and employ more than 6000 people.
Just Jeans opened its first store in Chapel Street Prahran in December 1970. The business has grown dramatically since that time through the acquisition and growth of brands across Australia New Zealand Singapore and in 2014 the United Kingdom.
In 2004 we changed our name to The Just Group to reflect our expanded portfolio of brands.
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Just Group
➼ www.justgroup.com.au
➼ www.dotti.com.au
➼ www.justjeans.com.au
➼ www.jacquie.com.au
➼ www.peteralexander.com.au
➼ www.portmans.com.au
➼ www.jayjays.com.au
➼ www.smiggle.com.au
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