L Eat |

Perfectly positioned on the ground floor overlooking the Marina, L Eat Restaurant is enjoyed by members and guests alike, for the fine cuisine and warm and attentive service.
L Eat opened its doors in 1993 as a boutique style caterer in the heart of the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. Founded on simple principles based on a strong customer service focus and exceptional food - we have experienced a steady growth through referrals and recommendations.
10 years later... L Eat divested its off site catering operations to focus solely on a new venture. L Eat was awarded the contract as Exclusive Caterer to The Cruising Yacht Club in Rushcutters Bay - Australias premier yacht club for its members and guests.
The goal was to give the Club a food makeover. This would involve re-inventing L Eat, its 70 seater restaurant with a modern, innovative menu, to give a 200 person deck area what every deck should have - sunshine, beer and allow fish and chips to rule plus create memorable events from 5 to 300 people - and exceed the expectations of club guests by making their dreams reality!
We do all of this - right here, right now!

❊ Address ❊
⊜ CYCA New Beach Road Darling Point 2027 View Map
℅ Yaranabe
✆ Telephone: 02 8292 7800
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ L Eat
➼ www.leat.com.au
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