Parramatta Gaol | Parramatta Correctional Centre |

The Parramatta Correctional Centre is a heritage-listed former medium security prison for males.
It operated 1798 and 2011. Wikipedia
The centre was initially called Parramatta Gaol until its name was changed to Parramatta Correctional Centre in 1992.
When in operation, the centre was managed by Corrective Services NSW, an agency of the Department of Attorney General and Justice of the Government of New South Wales. Immediately prior to its closure, the centre detained short term sentenced and remand inmates, operated as a transient centre, and was the periodic detention centre for metropolitan Sydney.
1865 - Perimeter wall extended. Cookhouse and additional cells added to existing wings. Underground water tanks installed.
1883-1889 - The perimeter is further extended and three new wings are built in the resulting area.
1899 - 32 unit radial exercise area built. Cells are converted from associated to single.
1906-1908 - Chapel built and sewerage upgraded.
1927 - Internal refit. Single cells are converted back to associated cells.
1970s - Parramatta Linen Service, an auditorium and gatehouse extensions are built.
1985 - 32 unit radial exercise area demolished.
1993 - A new entrance and areas for administration and reception are built.
1997 - being disestablished.
2011 - The jail was closed at the end of 2011.
On 24 February 2012 the NSW Aboriginal Land Council lodged a land claim on the former jail site (as decommissioned Crown Land); and it was reported that management of the property was transferred to the Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Council in 2015.
The Gaol also runs "Ghost Hunts" and tours fortnightly.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Corner of New Street and Dunlop Street North Parramatta View Map
✆ Telephone: (02) 8839 3311
❊ What's On ❊
Coming to Parramatta Gaol | Parramatta Correctional Centre..➼ Parramatta Gaol Ghost Tours & Hunts | on Hold
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Parramatta Gaol | Parramatta Correctional Centre
➼ History (PDF) City of Parramatta
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