St Stephen's Uniting Church |

A place where people gather for Christian Worship, Thought and Action
We are followers of Jesus Christ.
With God's help, we share Jesus' good news of life for all people, learn together how to be followers of Jesus in an open and affirming congregation, celebrate and try to live out God's call to care for, and justice for, all people and God's creation, discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit amongst us as we each serve in ministry and mission, and caring for each other and this city as we travel along the way.
Come and see, and, we hope, experience this grace of God.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 197 Macquarie Street Sydney 2000 View Map
℅ Warrane
✆ Telephone: +61 2 9221 1271
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ St Stephen's Uniting Church
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