Illawarra Hawks |

Illawarra Hawks
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In July 2015, the club returned to its original name, Illawarra Hawks after nearly 20 years being known as the Wollongong Hawks.
On Monday July 14, 2014 the Hawks were purchased by telecommunications entrepreneur James Spenceley, the CEO and major shareholder of Vocus Communications.
Members gathered for an Extraordinary General Meeting and voted unanimously to accept Spenceleys private ownership proposal.
Previously Wollongong Hawks Ltd. was formed in 2009 after three months of community lobbying which resulted in raising $500,000 in working capital by community Foundation Members and corporate sponsors.
Hawks captain at the time Mat Campbell was instrumental in the rejuvenation of the not for profit organisation, Mat led a Save the Hawks Campaign that generated the support not only from the community but the entire local media in the Illawarra.
2001 NBL Champions
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