Industrie, South of France |

Industrie, South of France with its southern French fare, extensive wine list, and sexy and relaxed decor, has managed to capture the savoir-faire of the French Mediterranean without any of its frou-frou trimmings.
While the wine list has the odd, excitable drop, the list of spirits at Industrie is enough to give you pause for thought. Most of the popular distillations are given a token list - a decent list of gin, some aged tequila and so on - but the specialist drops are a source of true joy. Scotch (or, uisge beatha in the old tongue) lovers will find a list of no less than nine whiskeys to choose from. The 15-year-old Dalwhinnie is a favourite, as to is the 12-year-old Chivas. Whichever you choose, each are served as only Scotch should be - neat.
There's also a nice list of edibles should you get a little peckish, but the price can be a little nourishment prohibitive on occasion.

❊ Address ❊
⊜ 107 Pitt St Sydney 2000 View Map
℅ Warrane
✆ Telephone: 02 9221 8001
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